Charles Sturt University
Charles Sturt University is a multi-campus, regional university that delivers many courses online. CSU has a relatively modest world ranking.
Canberra is Australia’s capital. The inland city has a variable climate and a population of 462,000.
Canberra is known for being the home of Australia’s Parliament, Art Gallery, Science Museum and other national attractions. The planned city also has wide roads, cycle paths and artificial lakes.
READ: About the city
Canberra accommodates several universities and is the base city for two universities, the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Canberra (UC).
ANU was part of the original city plans and is located close to the CBD. The university is often ranked among the world’s top 100.
UC was developed as an alternative study destination to ANU and is in the nearby suburb of Bruce. UC tends to specialise in vocational fields such as design arts, health and teaching.
The Australian Catholic University has its Signadou campus located in the northern suburb of Watson. Education, nursing and theology are among the subjects taught.
UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy is another campus located in the national capital. Teaching schools include Business, Engineering and IT, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Science.
Charles Sturt University has a couple of specialised teaching facilities in Canberra, namely the School of Theology and the Australian Graduate School of Policing and Customs and Excise Studies.
Charles Sturt University is a multi-campus, regional university that delivers many courses online. CSU has a relatively modest world ranking.
Australian Catholic University (ACU) is one of the 1000 best universities in the world and top 30 in Australia based on research reputation.
The University of Canberra has top 500 rankings in QS and THE, reflecting a potentially inflated research reputation for a small uni.
Australian National University (ANU) is a prestigious, highly ranked university located in Canberra, Australia’s capital city.
UNSW Sydney is a prestigious inner-city university ranked among the world’s top 100. It attracts outstanding students from Sydney and beyond.