Woman feeling peaceful

How Studying Psychology Benefits You in Everyday Life, with Examples

Knowing and learning about the human psyche lets you look at life with a clearer lens. The psychology discipline also puts practical solutions into your hands that can help you navigate through life.

Psychology majors, graduates, therapists and psychiatrists are regular people who benefit from extra tools in their arsenal. They have certain advantages with which to better handle their careers, and social and everyday lives.

But you don’t have to be a professional psychologist to learn and use psychology to your advantage. Anyone can do it by studying psychology and doing university courses. Here are some examples of how psychology knowledge benefits you in everyday life.

1. Improved Interpersonal Skills

Psychology is the study of human behavior. You strive to understand how and why people behave. The insight you build up over time can be advantageous to your everyday life by improving how well you manage relationships. People skills has been identified as perhaps the number one life benefit from studying psychology.

The psychology discipline encourages you to be more analytical, communicative and understanding when it comes to your familial, work or romantic relationships. By boosting your interpersonal skills, psychology training can bring about patience and improve the quality of interactions and all types of relationships.

2. Introspection Skills

While people often lack insight into their own thinking patterns, studying psychology equips you to unpack and disentangle your thoughts. You could, for example, realise that you’ve formed certain relationship habits due to childhood experiences.

Psychology graduates are better able to identify and work through the recurring thoughts they have that may impede them from enjoying or succeeding in life. Self-analysis may help you to strategize and be your own coach.

3. Be Your Own Therapist

If you’re only currently at the bachelor’s level, don’t fret, because you’ve probably already learned about the basics of CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that is mainly focused on improving cognitive behaviors or distortions. Even at the basic level of CBT, you can learn to regulate your emotions and thoughts through coping strategies that can help solve problems in everyday life.

4. Problem Solving Strategies

While some people tend to panic or go into situations and circumstances with tunnel vision, people that study psychology are able to use their studies to look outside of their own selves and confront their issues through different perspectives. This allows you to think clearly and confront problems without learned biases or habits.

5. Smoother Communication

An important benefit to your everyday life is the ability to communicate effectively, acing job interviews and to make coworkers view you from a place of respect. You’ll be able to identify and work around their various social or non-verbal cues. Graduates in psychology tend to make it in marketing roles because of their ability to influence the decisions of consumers.

6. Ability to Train Yourself and Others

Humans and animals learn and unlearn behaviors and with the knowledge that psychology can give you, you can train yours or other people’s behaviors. Circumstances, events and occurrences in our lives cause us to develop classical or operant conditioning. Understanding these processes that affect our ability to learn behaviors and responses can be advantageous to everyday life.

7. Improved Memory

It is a lesser known fact that psychology can give you the ability to enhance your memory. When learning about the neurological bases of memory, you can acquire the ability to retrieve and consolidate memory. Though this is usually found in a degree program, you will likely learn many memorisation techniques that you can use for your work or personal life.

8. Greater Motivation

Finding motivation

With the basic techniques learned through psychology, a plan, goal or task is easily surmountable. One psychological technique many people use, including athletes, actors and other performers, is to visualise an outcome you want to realise. For example, a footballer might picture themselves scoring a goal. An entrepreneur might imagine their future product in the hands of consumers.

Being able to see what you want to achieve with clarity can help turn imagination into reality. You become better focused on performing the actions that take you closer to the desired outcome.

Through problem solving techniques and strategies, you can improve your motivation and ways to keep your interest high when facing or approaching a new task. Educational psychology helps you hold yourself accountable in your everyday life.

9. Higher Emotional Intelligence

Some psychologists actually believe that emotional intelligence is more important and valuable than your intelligence quotient. This is an advantage you’ll want in your everyday life in order to maintain relationships. Emotional intelligence allows you to interpret other people’s perspectives and be a better person in your relationships.

10. Smarter Money Management

Psychology also has practical uses that can apply to how you manage your money. Through behavior economics, you can learn how you and other people manage situations and options when experiencing uncertainty and risk and how this affects decision making. You can then influence how you manage your finances using psychological techniques.

11. Stronger Health

Psychology can also help you learn about how you and your brain responds to your surroundings and how it can affect your health and productivity. Learning health psychology can improve your ability to feel motivated to exercise or participate in physical activity. Learning how to tailor your surroundings to benefit your everyday life is an important advantage you’ll want.

3 Responses

  1. Sawyer D.
    | Reply

    I have a specific example of how helpful psychology can be. I recently started a psychology-based weight-loss program (not hypnosis) and it’s helped educate me about food choices, bad eating habits, and how to change them. Psychology has many benefits in everyday life and in helping with problems you’ve developed over time like bad habits.

  2. Ryan Hoover
    | Reply

    I think emotional intelligence is an invaluable tool, no matter what your career path. While it’s more complicated than just calling it empathy, emotional intelligence can help you with your personal relationships and work relationships. I believe it can even help you with self-defense as you can develop a better idea of potentially dangerous individuals. So yes, studying psychology has many benefits.

  3. Brianna
    | Reply

    I’ve discovered the same thing when I started reading more and more self help books. It was clear then that people who are able to stay calm and figure out a way out when the going gets tough are the kind of people that succeed with anything they have in mind.

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